Page:The Truth about Marriage.djvu/113

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and have never outgrown it, but they are rare. Our judgment in early youth is apt to be without discrimination.

Then there is the case of the woman who loves a man who does not command her complete respect, possibly because of slipshod ways or language or lack of education or good-breeding, or because of weakness of will or lack of intellect. Love alone is certainly not enough in such a case.

Then there is the question of money, Will love alone suffice? It depends upon the man and also upon the woman. If the man is able to make money later on, love plus character will suffice. If the woman is able to bear hardships of poverty until the man comes into his own, love is enough. But often both the man and woman find that when the wolf knocks at the door love flies out at the window.

Yet some of the happiest marriages have been entered into when the man was as poor as a church mouse. The capacity of the man to provide seems to be highly useful, even when love is deep and strong. Otherwise the woman may lose her patience.
