Page:The Surviving Works of Sharaku (1939).djvu/123

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The two prints that follow appear to be connected with a jōruri episode entitled Hanaayame Omoi No Kanzashi. A play-bill which is extant makes it evident that the theme of this jōruri was drawn from the well-known story of the modori kago, or returning palanquin. The action probably showed Miyagino (see number 24) as the passenger, while Uguisu no Jirōsaku (see number 28) and Hototogisu no Gorōhachi, who is in reality the Shiga Daishichi of number 26, but disguised, are the bearers. In their conversation each boasts about the gay quarter of his or her native city, and while he is so doing Daishichi, the villain, discloses his identity.