Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/88

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Fred, you know we have a soiree tonight. Will you take care of Mr. Saul till then, and bring him back with you? You can let him into our ways a bit by that time, and then he will be quite au fait."

"All right, guv'nor," responded Fred. "I like the look of him. So come along, my dear, and have a chop and cigars at my rooms," he said, turning to me.

Mr. Jones had been a soldier in the Foot Guards, and, bought out by Mr. Inslip as soon as the latter found what a useful youth he was, in great favour with the members of his club.

"We all do it," said Fred to me, as we sat smoking and sipping brandy and water after the chops he had invited me to partake of in his rooms. "It's the