Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/211

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my own sore bum; the cheeks were pulled apart, and I felt the head of Mr. Carton's affair battering for admission; then one hand was passed round to my front, where it groped to feel how I was getting on in his lovely sister.

This made me look round, and I then saw that Lady Eliza had fitted on a dildoe, and was just ready to get into her brother's bottom. What a luscious scene that was; and how lovely the two aristocratic young ladies looked!

He was into me in less time than I can write it, and the exciting effects of the previous flagellation made me almost beside myself. Each shove I gave into the bottom of the lovely Lady Emma I had a corresponding one from her handsome brother, who was pushed do his best by Lady Eliza behind.

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