Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/199

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most peculiarly erotic fancies, so I suppose that it is born in us. I am the youngest—not yet attained my majority—and have two sisters, one twenty-two and the other twenty-three years of age, and as beautiful as they are amiable, yet as lustful devils as angels can by any possibility be. The eldest seduced me, her brother, before I was sixteen, and soon let her sister into the secret.

"They are too wise to be fucked in the regular way. (God only knows how. they came to know so much, but I suspect our French master, as he taught me a thing or two besides my lessons.)

"Well, as soon as they had made me their own, I had to bugger them, or let them gamahuche me, whilst I did the same to them. It has gone on for a long time. They are both considerable