Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/180

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was awful, and I do believe I should have been greatly injured if he hadn't spent his juice, and so eased the passage a bit. This enabled him to get right in, and I could feel his prick swelling and palpitating inside my bottom, whilst I felt so stretched and tight that I was really afraid for him to move.

"However, the feeling of distension went off after a bit, and it began to feel far nicer, especially after a few gentle moves on his part; then presently he spent again, and it felt so lovely and warm and nice, as it shot up into me; so much so that I began to wriggle about under the curious and pleasurable sensations he had aroused-within me. My blood was on fire, and tingled in my veins to the tips of iffy toes and my finger ends, whilst their delicious frig-