Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/175

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a soldier, so, thinking perhaps there would be a little trouble in making him hand over the tin, I borrowed a small life-preserver from a friend by way of precaution, then went for a settlement.

"The bully opened the door himself

"'Has Mr. Simeon Moses left a hundred pounds for me?' I asked.

"'Your name's George Brown, I think. Step into the parlour, and I'll see you presently,' he growled.

"Half-an-hour passed, and he still kept me waiting, so I gave a furious ring at the bell, which brought him in swearing at me for my damn'd impudence.

"'Now, Bill Johnson—you see, I know your name, and what's more, I know the games you carry on here—no humbug!' (bringing out the life-preserver