Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/154

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Eveline I heard so much of the other night at Inslip's. These are my regular chums, who call themselves Mr. Wirein, Mr. Cold Cream, and the Hon. Mr. Come-again. You will, of course, find their names and pedigrees in Debrett if you care to look them up. Now, don't be bashful, and I will also introduce you to my three pages who are in special attendance on us to-night."

Saying which he opened the door of what looked like a large bookcase, and there stood three Of the prettiest boys I had ever seen, each of them quite naked with his stiff prick in his hand.

The eldest, apparently, was a fair young French fellow about seventeen; the second ah olive-tinted, but very handsome Italian boy of fourteen; and the third an exquisitely formed little