Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/141

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say that Mr. Inslip had mentioned my name to him as likely to oblige him in a certain way, and would I be so good as to give him a call at his chambers at 4.30 p.m. next day.

Of course I went, and was shown into the private room of Mr. Horner, who I found had a lady with him.

He at once dismissed his clerk, with the observation "that he should not want him again to-day," and then, as soon as the door was closed; turning to me, said:—

"Mr. Saul, I am much obliged that you answered my note so promptly. It is not that I require your services myself, but this lady here wants a good fucking."

"Awful! the man's mad! Pray let me out!" almost screamed the lady