Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/131

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hard at the same moment, John Thomas fairly crashed through all the defences of her unbroken hymen, leaving nothing but a bloody wreck behind, as he went in up to the hilt.

"She did not scream, but giving one long, deep-drawn sigh, fairly swooned away under me.

"I did not withdraw, but lay as lightly as possible on her, making my prick throb in the tight-fitting sheath which imprisoned it so deliciously. I could feel the folds of her cunt contract on my shaft of love with a most delightful spasmodic twitching, such as I had never enjoyed before, and in about five minutes she opened her eyes and, with a smile, whispered: 'Oh, dearest, what a dream! I dreamt I was smashed

to atoms; then my soul soared away to

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