Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/128

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to get at my cunney, and at last blushingly told her that I was one of those unfortunate beings (which perhaps she had heard of) who had a malformation, something like the male instrument—in fact, it was capable of stiffening, and always did so under excitement, exactly as a man's would do.

"'But, darling,' I added, 'It is quite harmless, and can do no mischief like the real male affair. Now you, I know, will be too disgusted to want to kiss me, although I am dying for you to afford me that pleasure.'

"This avowal seemed to excite her still more, and she assured me that she had often heard of hermaphrodites, and that they could have women as well as a man.

"'And now, darling, I am more