Page:The Sins of the Cities of the Plain.djvu/106

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Laura darling? Are you an hermaphrodite, my love? Oh, I must kiss it; it's such a treasure! Will it spend like a man's love?"

I heard Lord Arthur say all this, as he fondled and caressed Boulton's prick, passing his hand up and down the ivory-white shaft and kissing the dark, ruby-coloured head every time it was uncovered.

How excited! became at the sight you may be sure. I also longed to caress and enjoy both the fine pegos I had seen; but although my own prick was stiff almost to bursting, I determined not to frig myself, as I was sure of finding a nice partner when I returned to the ball-room. Still, I would rather have had Boulton than anyone » His make-up was so sweetly