Page:The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors Vol 1.djvu/351

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Thou art the totally infinite Supreme Being; what attributes of Thine shall I recount?
The slave Nanak is a sacrifice unto those who serve Thee, unto those who serve Thee.
They who meditate on Thee, who meditate on Thee, O God, abide in happiness in this age.
They who meditate on God are emancipated, are emancipated, my friend; for them Death's noose is broken.
All fear hath departed from those who have meditated on the fearless, the fearless God.
They who have worshipped, who have worshipped my God, are absorbed in Him.
Blest, blest are they who have meditated on God; the slave Nanak will become a sacrifice unto them.
O Infinite One, Thine infinite storehouses are filled with Thy worship, Thy worship.
O Infinite One, many are Thy saints, many are Thy saints who praise Thee.
They offer various, various worship to Thee, O God; they practise austerities and repeat Thy name, O endless One.
Various, various saints of Thine read many Simritis and Shastars, perform their daily duties and the six acts prescribed for Brahmans;[1] But only they are saints, good saints, saith Nanak, who please God, the Omnipotent.
Thou art the primal Being, the illimitable Creator; there is none so great as Thou.
Thou art the same in every age; Thou art ever and ever the same; Thou art the eternal Creator.
What pleaseth Thee prevaileth; what Thou doest cometh to pass. Thou Thyself didst fashion the whole creation, yet, being created, it shall disappear.[2]

Nanak singeth the praises of the Creator who knoweth all things.
  1. Reading the Veds, expounding them, making sacrifice, assisting others in doing the same, receiving alms and giving them to other Brahmans.
  2. Only God Himself is permanent.