Page:The Roman index of forbidden books.djvu/39

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detailed report, noting exactly the passages which he finds objectionable, and pointing out redeeming features. The book with his report next goes to the other consultors, so that each one can satisfy himself whether the first examiner's view is well founded, and has an opportunity to formulate his own judgment. The matter is then proposed in one of the Monday sessions and publicly discussed. A vote is taken as to the step to be recommended to the Cardinals. Then the book together with the first report, the notes of other consultors, and the vote arrived at in the preliminary Monday session goes to the Cardinals, who in the Wednesday session will give their final verdict. Lastly, the matter is laid before the Pope for his sanction.

Nobody will deny that this is an excellent method. A book is examined at least three times, before a verdict is reached, and a large number of picked scholars participate in the proceedings, each of whom has taken an oath never to allow himself to be swayed by sympathy or antipathy, and to have nothing in view but the welfare of souls.