Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/84

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Jenny : Well?

Margaret : Oh, poor boy. Poor boy . . . he’s so lost. And she . . . she’s hurt. What can I do? He wants me . . . he’s happy with me. I can’t stay away when he’s like this.

Jenny : Of course not.

Margaret : Oh, but it’s all so dreadful . . . for all of you. They must make him well . . . cure him . . . bring him back. They will, won’t they?

Jenny : I hope so.

Margaret : You’ll have doctors . . . brain doctors. They know so much. There are so many cases . . . now . . . since the war. They’ll cure him . . . give him back to you.

Jenny : If they can.

Margaret : Oh, they can . . . they will. I know they will. And till then . . . she mustn’t be jealous. I know it must hurt her . . . but he isn’t himself . . . it doesn’t mean anything. It’s just like . . . I was his nurse, that’s all. But he’ll get better . . . they’ll know how . . . they'll bring him back to her . . . and all of this.

Jenny (very gently) : And you? What about you?

Margaret : Till then . . . I’ll go on coming . . . because he wants me . . . till then. . . .