Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/73

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Chris : Nor I. At least, I suppose I haven’t. I don’t know what I’ve done these last fifteen years. I never meant to. Go on.

Margaret: William and I went down last September. I’d been wanting to go back for years, but we’d been living all over the place. William’s chest is weak, and for years he had to live by the sea . . . we were two years at Southend.

Chris : What made you come to Wealdstone?

Margaret : William’s father lived there. He died last year and left William the house . . . it’s not a nice house . . . but I was glad, because it reminded me of you and your home, being so near. Often I used to walk over and look at this place . . . it’s a lovely place.

Chris : It used to be. There are so many changes. They say I made them.

Margaret : It’s a big place. You must have worked hard to keep all this up. I used to look at it and think about you. I knew you were at the Front. I read it in the papers. I used to read the casualty lists, frightened to see your name . . . you were the only officer I knew. (Suddenly breaking off) Oh, Chris . . . I’m so sorry . . . have you had your tea?

Chris : Tea?

Margaret : Yes, I forgot all about it . . . sitting here. I’m so sorry.