Page:The Return of the Soldier (Van Druten).djvu/48

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Frank : Did he go alone?

Jenny : Yes. He couldn’t stand being in the house any longer, and I can’t say I blame him. It’s pretty ghastly here, isn’t it?

Frank : It’s a sad time for all of us. We must all be patient and forbearing.

Jenny : How long are you staying, Frank?

Frank : I must be off to-morrow. I’ve been away a week as it is. Why? Do you want me to go?

Jenny : Of course not. Only . . . it’s hardly a time for visits, is it?

Frank : I only stayed because I thought there might be something I could do . . . some help that I might give . . . to you and Kitty in your trouble.

Jenny : And has there been?

Frank : What do you mean? If sympathy is of any help . . .

Jenny : I’m afraid it isn’t just now.

Frank : What else can I do?

Jenny : Have you tried prayer? A little service in the drawing-room? The power of prayer is very wonderful, I’ve always heard.

Frank : Jenny, please don’t mock at me!

Jenny : Oh, Frank, I’m sorry. Forgive me, only I’m so wretched . . .

Frank : Jenny, my dear, I know. My heart