Page:The Rejuvenation Of Miss Semaphore.pdf/239

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Of our story little remains to tell. Augusta was driven to her sister's lodgings and put to bed. In less than twenty-four hours she had arrived once more at the time of life she had temporarily abandoned. Her experience had been a disappointment, but her intense relief in feeling that she was once more in command of the helm, prevented her dwelling on that. It was delightful to array herself once more in her own clothes, to be no longer a helpless infant, pinched, tweaked, starved, insulted to her face. The joy of being able to speak was in itself so intense that Miss Semaphore was in a constant flow of good humour, and in all her experience of her sister, Prudence never had so good a time.

After the first excitement had cooled down, she feared that Augusta would be morose, soured by the failure of her experiment; but