Page:The Prose Edda (1916 translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur).pdf/293

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Sinir, a horse, 28, 211.
Sjöfn, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Skadi, daughter of Thjazi the giant, and wife of Njördr, 37, 38, 77, 91, 92, 111, 115, 131 133, 135, 143.
Skáfidr, a dwarf, 27.
Skapti Thóroddsson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 195.
Skati the Munificent, a legendary king, 233.
Skatnar, 233.
Skeggjöld, a Valkyr, 48.
Skeidbrimir, a horse, 28, 211.
Skelfir, a legendary king, 230.
Skídbladnir, Freyr's ship, 53, 56, 112, 145, 14.6.
Skilfingr, a name of Odin, 34.
Skilfings, the dynasty of Skelfir, 230, 233.
Skinfaxi, Day's horse. See Sheen Mane.
Skirfir, a dwarf, 27.
Skírnir, Freyr's messenger, 43, 44, 48, 49, 79.
Skjaldun. See Skjöldr.
Skjöldr or Skjaldun, legendary king of Denmark, 7, 8, 161, 230.
Skjöldungs, Danish dynasty, reputed to have sprung from Skjöldr, son of Odin, 8, 230, 232.
Skrýmir, a giant, also called Útgarda-Loki, 59-61.
Skuld ("That which is to be," the Future), one of the Norns, 28, 48.
Skúli Thorsteinsson, an Icelandic skald, grandson of Egill Skallagrímsson, 140, 148, 173, 215, 216.
Skyli or Skúli, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Skævadr, a horse, 213
Skögul, a Valkyr, 48, 99, 181, 225.
Sköll, a wolf, 23.
Sleipnir, Odin's horse, 28, 53, 72, 114, 115, 210.
Slídr, a river, 16.
Slöngvir, horse of King Adils, 172, 212.
Snotra, one of the Ásynjur, 47.
Snæbjörn, a skald, 140, 201.
Sól. See Sun.
Són, a vat, 93-95, 103.
Sóti, a horse, 210.
South, a dwarf. See Sudri.
Starkadr, 110.
Steinarr, a skald, 178.
Steinn, 138.
Steinn Herdísarson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 135, 178.
Steinthórr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 100.
Strong-through-Spells, a title of Odin, 102.
Stúfr, a skald of the eleventh century, 229.