Page:The Prose Edda (1916 translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur).pdf/219

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Ice of the Rim, and Hurt of Sheltering Weapons, as Einarr sang:

I received the Ice of Wed Rims,
With Freyja's golden Eye-Thaw,
From the upright prince high-hearted;
We bear in hand the Helm's Hurt.

An axe is called Troll-Woman of Sheltering Weapons, as Einarr sang:

Ræfill's Sea-Steed's Riders
May see how, richly carven,
The dragons close are brooding
'Gainst the brow of the Helm-Ogress.

A spear is called Serpent, as Refr sang:

My angry Murky Serpent
Of the markings of the Shield-Board
Savagely doth sport, in
My palms, where men in strife meet.

Arrows are called Hail of the Bow or Bowstring, or of the Shelters, or of Battle, as Einarr Tinkling-Scale sang:

The hammering King of Swords shook
From the Sails of Hlökk the Bow-Hail:
Bravely the Wolf's Supporter
Warded his life in battle.

And Hallfredr:

And the armor of the Spear-Sleet,
Knitted with iron, saved not
The saters of hungry ravens
From the Shaft-Hail of the Bowstring.