Page:The Poems of Sappho (1924).djvu/147

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A Fragment of an ode of Sappho from Longinus, also an Ode of Sappho from Dionysius of Halicarnassus. Edited by F. H. Egerton. Paris, 1815. 8vo.

Braun, G. C. Die Fragmente der Sappho, übersetzt von G. C. B[raun]. Wetzlar, 1815. 8vo.

Möbius, E. A. L. Oden. Griech. und Deutsch. Von E. A. L. Möbius. Hannover, 1815.

Welcker. Sappho von einem herrschenden Urtheil befreit. Welcker, Göttingen, 1816. 8vo.

Fonvielle, B. F. A. Sapho, ou Le Saut de Leucate, tragédie lyrique en trois actes. Paris, 1816. 8vo.

Caselli, G. Le Odi di Anacreonte e di Safo [sic] recati in versi Italiani da G. Caselli. Firenze, 1819. Folio.

Hauteroche, Allier de. Notizie intorno a Saffo de Ereso. Paris, 1822.

Gaisford, Thomas, D.D. Sapphonis Fragmenta, edited by Charles James Blomfield, and reprinted from the Cambridge Museum Criticum, fasc. i, in Gaisford’s Poetae Minores Graeci, vol. iii, pp. 289–314. Leipzig, 1823. 8vo.

Traner, J. Sapphus, graecanicae Poetriae, quae exstant, Residua. Progrr. acadd. Upsalae, par. x, 1824. 8vo.

Milesi, Bianca. Vita di Saffo, scritto da Bianca Milesi. Paris, 1824. 8vo.

Orger, Thomas, LL.D. The Odes of Anacreon, with the fragments of Sappho [pp. 81–85] and Alcaeus, literally translated into English prose. London, 1825. 8vo.