Page:The Pilgrim Cookbook.djvu/12

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Cream of Tomato Soup.

Press enough cooked tomatoes through a fine sieve to make 1½ cups; let puree become very hot. Melt ¼ cup butter, cook in it ¼ cup flour, dash of pepper, and 1 scant teaspoon salt. When the mixture is frothy gradually stir in 1½ cups cream diluted with ½ cup water. Stir and cook until the sauce boils vigorously, then add the hot tomato puree and remove from fire at once.—Olga T. Bohnsack.

Turnip Soup.

Wash, pare and cut into small pieces ½ dozen medium sized white turnips. Boil them in unsalted water until tender, then rub through a fine sieve. Chop fine 1 small onion, put in a stew pan with 1 tablespoon butter, and cook slowly without browning for five minutes; then add 1 tablespoon flour and when blended, 1 quart of milk. Stir until boiling hot, add the turnip pulp and season well with salt and pepper. Cook slowly for 5 minutes; serve at once and pass grated cheese with it.—Mrs. Albrecht.

Wine Soup.

Boil ½ cup fine pearl tapioca in about 1 quart water till clear; then add a small piece of stick cinnamon, a little salt, 1 large glass wine (white or red), and finally 2 to 3 egg yolks and 2 to 3 tablespoons sugar. Serve also with toasted white bread squares and drop the beaten egg whites in little mounds on top.—Mrs. H. G. Tischer.


Oyster Cocktail.

Open ½ dozen or more small oysters into a cup or glass that has been generously buried in ice, taking care to save the liquor. Season with salt and pepper and add 1 tablespoon of tomato catsup, a few drops of lemon juice, a drop of Tobasco sauce and a dash of Worcestershire sauce.—Johanna Kretschmer.