Page:The Pentamerone, or The Story of Stories.djvu/215

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mounted up quickly and ran into the garden. But when she found it all dug and sown, she was beside herself with amazement; for it seemed to her impossible that a delicate lad should have accomplished such dog's labour.

But the next morning, hardly had the Sun gone out to warm himself, on account of the cold he had caught in the river of India, when the ogress went down again, bidding Nardo Aniello take care that in the evening she should find ready split six stacks of wood which were in the cellar, with every log cleft into four pieces; or otherwise she would cut him up like bacon, and make a fry of him for supper.

On hearing this decree the poor prince had like to have died of terror; and Filadoro, seeing him half-dead and pale as ashes, said, "Why, what a coward you are to be frightened at such a trifle!" "Do you think it a trifle," replied Nardo Aniello, "to split six stacks of wood, with every log cleft into four pieces, between this time and the evening? Alas! I shall sooner be cleft in halves myself, to fill the mouth of this horrid old woman."

"Fear not," answered Filadoro; "for without your giving yourself any trouble, the wood shall all be split in good time; but meanwhile cheer up if you love me, and do not split my heart with such lamentation."