Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/171

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up the the spirit, and in spite of reason and good sense, having no peace nor rest until he had disencumbered himself of the possession of ill-gotten wealth."

"The apparition itself was effected by means of a camera-obscura, in an apartment beneath that where I performed the cheat, some boards in the floor having the night before been sawed through, after we had made a hole in the ceiling of the lower chamber. The boards which covered the opening close to the wall were replaced in such a manner, that they could be removed from below, by means of which, the smoke could ascend from the lower apartment, and represent the picture in the machine—smoke and darkness put the finishing stroke to the deception."

"I left, like your friend, T—— the next morning, with the firm resolution to return no more, apprehending to be delivered up tothe