Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/149

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"That is charming!" exclaimed the undaunted Baron, "nobody besides you and my landlord know that I am returned, and him we can easily silence if secresy is is necessary."

"Then he jumped nimbly out of his bed, and gave me the money. I laid my plan before him, and he joyfully submitted to every thing proposed. His landlord and the owner of the house where the conjuration was performed, were bribed: The Baron, who acted the ghost, was concealed in a small closet, to which he, when the whole transaction was finished, retired, under the cover of a thick benumbing smoke, which concealed his retreat, and left the town that very night. The postman had likewise been bribed to deliver the letter, composed by me and copied by the Baron. The certificate of the surgeon-major was forged, and every thing succeeded to our satisfaction."
