Page:The Necromancer, or, The Tale of the Black Forest Vol. 2.djvu/142

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to be a sort of supernatural being, and so many opportunities of preying on the credulity of mankind were thrown in my way, that I could not stand the temptations which frequently occured, to profit by the superstition of my fellow creatures."

"I hope you will spare me the distressing task to relate all the transgressions I commited afterwards: Suffice it to say, that a complete account of my frauds would swell many volumes. The few remaining hours of life allotted me, prevent me from relating all the subsequent cheating tricks which I committed, I therefore shall confine myself to the two criminal transactions, by which your friend, the brave Austrian, has been imposed upon; they will afford you ample means of forming a proper idea of those I am obliged to bury in silence."

"I had, for the space of six years, carried on my juggling tricks with so much secresy,that