Page:The Music of the Spheres.djvu/339

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Achilles, 131
Acrisius, 66
Adams, 283
Ægeus, 103
Ærolites, 245
Æschylus, 21, 184
Æsculapis, 109, 169
Akrab, 157
Albireo, 115, 122, 124, 125
Alcor, 39, 47
Alcott, 157
Alcyone, 186
Aldebaran, 13, 184, 185
Algenib, 78
Algol, 31, 63, 64, 65
Alioth, 40
Allen, 96, 138, 176
Alnilam, 176
Alnitak, 11, 176, 177
Alpha Centauri, 101, 134, 141, 142, 209
Alphard, 135
Alphecca, 104
Alpheratz, 72
Alps, lunar mountains, 303, 304
Alps, Valley of, 304
Al Rischa, 83
Alshain, 129
Altair, 129, 192
Alwaid, 110
Amazon Star, 171
Ambrosia, 20, 24, 184
Amelia, 204
Amphitrite, 25, 131
Amru, 162
Andromeda, constellation, 71, 75, 79
Nebula, 72, 74
Triple star, 72
Andromids, 71, 91, 240, 244
Legend, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
Anger, 32
Antares, 3, 11, 13, 127, 145, 152, 153, 155, 156, 171, 185
Autolycus, lunar crater, 313
Apennines, lunar mountains, 303, 311, 304
Aphrodite, 33
Apollo, 17, 18, 24, 26, 27, 28, 49, 77, 88, 116, 118, 120, 168, 169, 268
April meteors, 116
Aquarius, constellation, 128, 157
Legend, 128
Aquila, constellation, 127, 128, 129
Altair, 129, 192
Legend, 127, 128, 202
Arabian astronomers, 11, 40, 42, 60, 63, 146, 176, 184
Aratus, 8, 63, 79, 83, 93, 103, 104, 105, 129, 148, 149, 157, 174, 185, 186, 189, 192
Archer, The, 131, 132, 133, 134
Areas, 44, 97
Archæan Age, 293
Archilochus, 225
Archimedes, lunar crater, 312
Arcturus, 3, 11, 13, 38, 88, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 104, 113, 114, 142, 147, 148
Argo, constellation, 29, 85, 209
Canopus, 163, 193, 197, 209, 210
Legend, 131, 193
Argonautic Expedition, 49, 85, 210
Ariadne, 88, 102, 103
Ariadne's Crown, 104
Ariel, 282
Aries, constellation, 29, 83, 84, 231
Legend, 84
Arion, 130
Aristarchus, lunar crater, 311, 312
Aristillus, lunar crater, 313
Aristotle, 202
Arrow of Hercules, 129
Arrow of the Archer, 133
Ascalaphus, 151
Aselli, 92
Asterion, 97, 98
Asterope, 186
Astræa, goddess, 24, 148, 149
Astræa, planetoid, 234
Astræus, 247
Astrology, 268
Atergatis, 56
Atlantides, 188
Atlas, 21, 48, 68, 107, 186, 188, 247
Auriga, constellation, 137
Capella, 138, 139, 140, 142
Legend, 20, 137, 138, 139
Aurora, 27, 77, 151, 170, 247, 248
Auroræ, 217

Bacchus, 102, 103
Bailey, 207, 209, 249, 274
Baker, 284
Ball, 111
