Page:The Music of the Spheres.djvu/161

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lies in the constellation Coma Berenices, this corner alone containing almost 300, although they are rarely found along the path of the Milky Way.

The yellow 3rd magnitude star on the upper end of the corner in Virgo has for many ages been called Vindemiatrix, which means "Grape-Gatherer." It is believed that the star was given this curious name because it was observed to rise before the sun in the season in which grapes ripened. Vindemiatrix has a minute distant companion of a deep red color. The star at the other end of the corner has the interesting name of Zavijava, while the point is noted as a binary having a period of 185 years.

Spica, the "jewel of the Virgin," is best located by dropping an imaginary line through Arcturus from the handle of the Big
