Page:The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy - 1729 - Volume 2.djvu/469

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5] having reaſon to think, that the Theory of the Moon might by theſe means, be made more perfeék 'and compleat than it is at preſent; I retarded the publication of the book, 'till I could procure due ſatiſfaction by examining obſervations on places of the Moon. But finding this to be a work requiring a conſiderable time, not only in procuring ſuch places as are proper, but alſo in performing calculations, upon a new method, not yet accommodated to practife by convenient rules, or ailifled by tables; I thought it therefore more convenient for the Book feller, not to Poop the publication of his impreſſion any longet upon this accounts But that I' may in fomemeafure, ſatiſfy thoſe who are well oonverfant in Sir Mme Nefwton's Principia, (and I could Wifh that none but ſuch would look over theſe papers,) that the ſaid advertiſement was not without ſome foundation; and that I may remove any fufpicion that the deſign is entirely laid aſide, I have put together, altho' in no order, as being done upon a ſudden refoluti. on, ſome of the Propoſitions, among many others, that I have by me, which ſeem chieiiy to be wanting in a Thef ory of the Moon, as it is a ſpeculation A 3 foun<1@d 4