Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/97

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today ; although your word is not much good, I am willing to take you at your promise. Thomas and Meacham will make it stronger if they promise with you. Now, Canby, promise me. I want nothing else. Now is your chance. Hooker Jim got up, walked up to Meacham's horse; he took Meacham's overcoat; he put his left arm in the sleeve. All this time he never took his eyes off Meacham. He got his other arm in the other sleeve. He drew the coat on easy, until the coat was pretty well on his shoulders. Then he jerked it on himself with a quick move, buttoned it up, and walked up to the crowd, striking himself on the breast and said, "Me Meacham now." Mr. Meacham pulled his hat off and offered it to Hooker Jim, saying: "Here, Jim, take my hat and put it on, then you will be Meacham." Hooker Jim says: "All lite, me get him hat puty quick, no hurry. You keep while, him hat mine, you see by-n-by." All the other people did not say a word while Meacham and Hooker Jim was talking.

Capt. Jack commenced his talk again : "Canby, do you agree to what I ask of you or not? Tell me. I am tired wait- ing for you to speak. '

Meacham to Canby : "General, for heaven's sake promise him." Just then Capt. Jack got up and walked behind Meach- am's horse. Schonchin says to Meacham :

"Meacher, Meacher, give us Hot Creek for our future home. Give us Hot Creek, I say, Meacher!"

Meacham said : "I will ask the Great Father at Washing- ton for you people."

Jack was back, standing right in front of Canby. Before Tobey could interpret what Meacham said, Capt. Jack said :

"Ut wih kutt (let's do it), or, "all ready." He pulled his pistol, as he said the words. Canby raised his face to see Jack. The cap snapped. He drew the hammer back and pulled the trigger again. The pistol fired. The ball struck Canby under the right eye. Canby jumped to his feet and started to run. He had not more than started when Bogus Charley tripped and threw him down and cut his throat. Bos- ton shot Dr. Thomas just about the time Canby was shot. He was hit in the right breast, the bullet ranging downward.