Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/94

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halter rope and just wrapped it around the root of a sagebrush, but did not tie it. He took his overcoat and hung it on the saddle horn. Hooker Jim watched Meacham all the time. After Meacham sat down on a rock, Hooker Jim walked up to Meacham's horse, took the rope and made it fast to a big brush. Canby, Thomas and Frank. Riddle did not have any horses to attend to. They walked to the peace tent. Jack and all his men walked to the peace tent, also. The Indians present in council on that memorable day were, namely, Capt. Jack, chief; John Schonchin, sub-chief; Black Jim, policeman; Hooker Jim, Boston Charley, Bogus Charley and Slolux, or Elulk Salt-ako.

The council opened, the Commissioners sitting from left to right : Gen. E. R. S. Canby, Rev. Dr. Thomas, Mrs. Tobey Riddle, interpreter; Col. A. B. Meacham, Frank Riddle, inter- preter; L. S. Dyar. Capt. Jack facing Canby; Schonchin fac- ing Meacham; Boston Charley facing Thomas; Bogus Charley facing Tobey Riddle; Black Jim facing F. Riddle; Hooker Jim facing Dyar. The other one stood up back of his com- panions.

Mr. Canby opened up the council by saying: "My Modoc friends, my heart feels good today. I feel good because you are my friends. I know you are my friends. We will do good work today. I know you people better every time I meet you. I know I will be able to make you see things right today. You will see as I see. I am willing and ready to help you people. Jack, I know you are a smart man. That is the reason I want you to come to my terms and make peace. It is bad to fight. Be a man, and live like one. As long as you live in these rocks you won't be living like a man. You will be looked upon as a bad man and, will say further, the Great Father at -Washington said, "I will not let Capt. Jack live where he is, in the Lava Beds. He has been in trouble with my children. I will have to find him and his people a new home, a good home where he won't have any more trouble/' You see the Great Father said that he has got many,. many, many soldiers. He will make you go. He sent me. Dr. Thomas and Meacham here to see you and talk good to you and make