Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/92

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desperate, so don't go, for the love of your family. Heed my warning, for I have warned in time. Save yourself."

Canby said : "Friend Tobey, I thank you very much for your kind words, but where my duty calls me I go as a soldier. You see, I have got to go." Mr. Meacham said, "General Canby, we don't have to meet Jack tomorrow. Let us not go. Tobey is giving us good advice." Canby said, laughing, "Col. Meacham, Tobey has got you scared. Do not show the white feather. Colonel, if you don't go, I'll meet them alone tomor- row. These Modocs are not fools. They won't try to harm us, only half a mile from our army in plain view."

At that Frank Riddle said : "Mr. Canby, before we go tomorrow I want to have a talk with you, General Jeff Davis and General Gillem." "All right sir, Mr. Riddle."

Morning of April nth, 1873, the Peace Commissioners was all up early. Canby and Thomas went from tent to tent side by side. They little thought that was their last day on earth. Riddle and wife was with Meacham all morning, Tobey trying to get Meacham not to go, even if the others did go. Meacham called Fairchilds in his tent. He handed him a pack- age that contained over one hundred in money, two finger rings, and his gold watch and chain, saying: "John Fairchilds, I am going to my death. Send that package to my wife. She lives in Salem, Oregon. I don't like to go, but I am not a coward." Meacham stepped out of his tent, his face flushed, and was ready, as he said, to go to his death.

Canby and Thomas came up and asked Meacham and oth- ers if they were ready. Tobey walked up to General Canby, placed her right hand on his arm, and said : "Canby, once more, and for the last time, I beg of you not to meet Capt. Jack today. He will kill you. He said he was going to kill you. Canby, believe me, I tell you the truth. Meacham will not go if you don't, so don't go." She was crying. "Canby, I will hate to see you shot today. I do not want to see any of you men killed. You will wish you had taken my warning, when it will be too late, so please take my warning while you are at yourself." Thomas said: "Sister Tobey, them Modocs will not hurt us. God will not allow it." Tobey said : "Thomas,