Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/84

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case I and your father get killed, stay with Mr. Fairchilds, he will care for you till my brother comes after you, but if I can prevent it the Peace Commissioners shall not meet Capt. Jack and his men in council any more." All the time that she was talking to her boy she was crying, as her heart was broke. "My boy, you heard the words that Weuim said. I believe him. I know he tells the truth. Now it lays with me and you to save the Commissioners, and if it is in my power to do it I will, God knows. We must save them." A few minutes

Gen. E. R. S. Canby.

after we got to our own camp, Frank Riddle, the writer's father, knew what the Indians intended to do in the next council. Tobey was so anxious about the intended massacre, she could not eat her supper. "Let us go and warn the Commissioners," she says, "for I know what Weuim told me this evening is true; Weuim never tells lies. I know him to be a truthful man." When she said the last words she started for Col. Meacham's tent, followed by Riddle and boy. Col. Meacham received the interpreters with an extended hand and a manly smile on his pure and honorable face, saying to the