Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/75

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The two Chiefs hold Council with their warriors all night, after the last Council with the Commissioners.—Jack taunted by some of his men, branded as a coward or a squaw.—Canby's life sealed, also Meacham's and Thomas'; Dyar and Riddle not to be spared.

After their council, March 27th, with the Commissioners, the Indians held a war council. John Schonchin, leading man, was assisted by Black Jim. Schonchin told his men he knew peace was out of the question, as the Commissioners would not agree on anything that he, Schonchin, suggested. He jumped up and shouted his speech thus: "My people, I am old. I have been trapped and fooled by the white people many times. I do not intend to be fooled again. You all see the aim of these so-called Peace Commissioners; they are just leading us (Muckluxs) Indians on to make time to get more soldiers here. When they think there is enough men here, they will jump on us and kill the last soul of us. I know it. Now I want to hear some one of you to give your opinion on what I said, or what shall we do." Black Jim, when Schon- chin concluded, mounted a big rock. Every eye was on him. Jim said: "Schonchin, you see things right. I for one am not going to be decoyed and shot like a dog by the soldiers. I am going to kill my man before they get me. I make a motion that we kill them peace-makers the next time we meet them in council. We just as well die in a few days from now, as to die a few weeks from now. All that is in favor of my proposition, step up to me. John Schonchin, Boston Charley, Dave Rock, Shaknasty Jim, Little Steve, Ellen's man, Bogus Charley, Curley Headed Doctor, Steamboat Frank, Boncho and four or five others came forward and declared themselves ready to kill the Commissioners. The other Indians never moved. After the Black Jim men made their war speeches,

one man that was sitting pretty well back from the sage-brush