Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/54

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uaw. She

was so old she could not walk, was blind, could not see. The soldiers took title matts and heaped them up on the old squaw till they got a big pile heaped on her, say like a load of straw. One of the boys lit a match and set the pile of tule matts on fire that they had heaped on that poor old helpless blind squaw and burned her up alive. After the matts burned up, the body

One-TCytd Mose, a Modoc warrior. Indian name Mose Ki Husband of One-Eyed Dixie. Died near Bly, Oregon, 1010. Cousin to Capt. Jack. Photo by Mr. Heller, 1873. From the Collection of Mr. John Daggett.

of the old squaw was laying drawn up burned to a crisp. One of the officers saw her. He said : "Boys, kick some sand over that old thing. It looks too bad !" Mind you, gentle reader, this happened right under the eyes of the officers of this United States government that was in command that twenty-ninth day of November, 1872.