Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/229

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known, and who

can always be trusted to kindly care for his old mother, whose home is so desolate now since the loss of her companion of a life time.

  • It is good to know that our government, in appreciation

of Winema's valuable services during the Modoc War, granted her a pension of $25.00 a month for life, and this has largely contributed to the support of these people for several years. Pure blood Modoc though she is, Winema Riddle is a heroine who should be as well-known in American history as Pocohon- tas or Sacajawea, and her fame will grow brighter with the years.


Eugene, Oregon, March 12, 1906.

Another view of the Warm Spring Scout, Loa-Kum Ar-nuk.

  • At the same time it may be noted that the payment of the pension did

not begin until the year 1890, or seventeen years after the war. A proper appreciation of the services rendered by Wi-ne-ma would have suggested the propriety of paying the pension from the time when those services were