Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/223

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also spent a larger proportion of his young life in the "latches" (wigwams) of his grandfather at Yai-nax, is expert with the bow and arrow, already a close shot with a rifle (accustomed to the saddle from infancy, going often with his father and sometimes with his mother's people, upon the big hunts), he has had rather a thrilling experience for one so young. Inherit-

Wi-ne-ma Tobey Riddle, the Author's mother. Taken in New York, 1875.

ing enough of his mother's Indian stoicism, he is never sur- prised, travels over the largest cities on errands, coming home by instinct, never lost, always pleasant and mannerly, but equally ready to resent insult, he has won his way rapidly to the friendship of those who know him. With his Indian habits of observation and faculty of retention, he is storing his mind with much useful information and themes for story w r hen he