Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/221

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Mo., 1883.



[Extracted from "Wi-ne-ma and Her People," by A. B. Meacham.]

Frank Riddle, the husband of Wi-ne-ma, is a native of Kentucky. His parents were slave-holders, and Frank grew to fifteen years of age without receiving much attention from them. Several years before reaching his majority, in Western parlance, Frank "struck out for himself." Arriving upon the Pacific Coast in 1850, he first sought employment in Sacra- mento City, and subsequently drifted to the mines of Northern California. His life has been a counterpart of thousands who sought fortune at the point of the pick and shovel and the Tail of the Long Tom sluice-box." Many thrilling episodes lie had passed before we find him surrendering to the bright eyes of the Modoc maiden. This struggle against his destiny was brief, and as we have shown on a former page, he sur- rendered to this Modoc, and was married under the forms and ceremonies of her people. During his sojourn upon the West- ern coast, he has killed seven hundred and forty-three deer and elk, and one hundred and thirty-two bears of various species.

During the efforts for peace with the Modoc Indians, in 1873, Mr. Riddle was employed as an interpreter. His per- sonal acquaintance with them, and with the difficulties existing between them and the white race, made him the man for the occasion. It is unfortunate that Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas should not have recognized the real character of Mr. Riddle, and appreciate, as I did, hi, c integrity and good com- mon sense. It would have saved many lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I have never heard an intimation that Frank Riddle ever "went back" on a friend or his own word, while his generous nature prompting to give, has kept him impoverished all his life. Mr. Riddle, appreciating the benefit this extensive travel would be. to his wife and boy, consented to join my company on my promise to "do right by him and return him and