Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/198

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thought that Canby, Thomas, Meacham and Gillem were pow- erful men and that the death of these Tyees would avoid all further troubles. When they saw Dyar coming in in place of Gillem they decided to kill them all. "I am telling what I know to be the truth, nothing more."

Boston's reference to the part taken by the chief caused Capt. Jack to speak once more. He seemed anxious to have Hooker and Bogus put on the trial and finally concluded : "If

Old Fort Klamath, Oregon. Present day. A fort of the past.

I am to die I am ready to go to see my Great Father in the Spirit Land." Schonchin was the last to speak. "The Great Spirit who looked from above will see Schonchin in chains, but he knows that this heart is good, and says, you die; you become one of my people. I will now try to believe that the White Father is doing according to the will of the Great Spirit in condemning me to die. You may all look at me and see that I am firm and resolute. I am trying to think that it is just that I should die, and that the Great Spirit approves of it