Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/184

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Mr. Meacham was speaking rather loud. Schonchin told him in the Indian language to hush. He said, 'I can talk straight. Let me talk next.' Just as Schonchin said that, Capt. Jack got up and stepped behind Mr. Dyar's horse. I was interpret- ing what Schonchin said. I did not notice Jack much as I had ought to. The next time I noticed him, he had stepped further to one side. I then saw his hand reach in his bosom."

Q. (Interrupting.) Did you perceive as soon as you got there, that these men were armed?"

A. "Yes, sir, I did. I could see some of them were."

Q. "In what way did you observe that?"

A. "I saw weapons sticking out of their clothes."

Q. "You saw what?"

A. "Revolvers."

Q. "Did Capt. Jack at this interview represent this band?'

A. "Yes, sir."

Q. "And the other men listened and appeared to concur ? TJ

A. "Yes, sir."

Q. "Were they there as representatives of the band?"

A. "Yes, sir, I suppose they were."

Q. "You say Capt. Jack got up and went to the rear and you saw him put his hand to his breast?"

A. "Yes, sir."

Q. "What then occurred ?"

A. "Well, he walked right up in front of General Canby. He stopped and said in Indian, 'All ready,' at the same time drawing his revolver. He pointed his revolver down at General Canby's face. His revolver hung fire, but he set the hammer again ; that time it fired his shot and hit Canby under the eye and the bullet came out here (showing). I jumped and ran for my life. I turned, saw General Canby fall over. I knew he was shot. I kept on running as fast as I could go. I looked back again. Mr. Meacham was down and my \vife was down. I saw one Indian standing over Mr. Meacham and another one standing over my ife. I saw two or three others coming up to Meacham. Mr. Meacham was down in this position," (showing) ; "he had one arm out."

Q. "You saw General Canby fall, you say?"