Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/173

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Q. "Can you identify them all?"

A. "Yes, sir. I can identify them all but Boncho and Slolux. I saw them but did not know them. They were 70 or 80 yards behind me. They came rushing up, each with four or five rifles, as near as I could see."

Q. "Is Capt. Jack the principal man in this Modoc tribe?"

A. "Yes, sir."

Q. "What is he, and what position has he?"

A. "He is a chief among them. He has been a chief since 1861, I think."

Q. "What position did Schonchin hold among the Modocs?"

A. "I never knew him to be anything more than just a common man among them, until within the last year or so. He has been classed as Capt. Jack's sub-chief. I believe they call him Sergeant."

Q. "And Black Jim?"

A. "He \vas watchman or policeman."

Q. "And Boston Charley?"

A. "He is nothing more than a high private."

Q. "And Boncho?"

A. "Just a common man."

Q. "And Slolux?"

A. "Nothing of any importance."

Q. "Are these men all Modocs ?"

A. "Yes, sir, they are all Modocs, except Boncho, who is a Rock Indian. He is called a Combatwas."

Q. "Were they all present at this meeting of the nth of April?"

A. "Yes, sir, all but Boncho and Slolux. They did not take any part in the council. I saw them rushing up after the firing commenced."

Q. "What connection did you have with the Peace Com- missioner from the beginning?"

A. "I was employed by General Gillem to interpret, and after that I was ordered to act as interpreter for the Peace Commissioners during the Peace Council with the Modocs."

Q. "Did you ever receive any information whic