Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/165

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bloodthirsty Moclocs escaped punishment. The only two that was not put on the stand to testify was Long Jim and his old father. When they left Bryant Mountain they went straight to Yainax, Oregon. They both hid on a little island near Spring Creek on Spragues River, Oregon, for some time. Some of the old chief Mosen Kosket's 3 men discovered them and told old man Schonchin, chief of the Yainax Modocs. The old chief sent some of his men for Long Jim and father. When

U. S. soldiers in the Lava Beds, by Weium, or William Faithfull.

Cave on the left occupied

the two men was taken before old chief Schonchin he said thus to them :

"My friends, I am sorry that I have to say what I am going to say to you both. You have been fighting the soldiers in the Lava Beds. I do not want you here among what few white

3A Klamath chief, now deceased. Indian name Monish Nukush Getko, meaning Big Belly.