Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/156

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ran on to them just about the same time Scarf ace Charley sighted the ones he and the soldiers took.

When Capt. Jack seen he was found he took a shot at his trailers and dodged into the brush. The boys fired a feu- shots into the brush. The other two men and three women walked right up to the soldiers and gave themselves up. The two men did not have any fire arms. They left their guns the day before in camp near Steele's Swamp.

Hooker Jim after waiting for some time for Jack to come out and give himself up, was shouting to Jack all the while. Jack told him if he wanted him he could come in the brush and get him. Hooker Jim asked two of the soldiers to ac- company him into the thicket. "Come, boys, he can not kill all of us. One of us will get him, sure. We will go a few steps apart." So t\vo soldiers stepped aside. Both said, "Go, Jim, we are with you. So when the three got into the brush Jack darted out of the brush and started on a run east. Hooker got a glimpse of the fleeing chief. He called to the soldiers and chased him up the slope. The other three soldiers did not join in the chase because they did not know that Jack had skipped. Jack, after running about half a mile, almost ran right against Scarface Charley's soldiers and other prisoners. 2 Capt. Jack made his last run in vain. The once proud chief of the Modocs, the brave man, and honest man. He was known by many white men to be a proud, honest, and up- right man, but on the day he was captured, and captured by his own men, he felt degraded, his manhood left him. As he said. "I am ready to die."

2Capt. Jack captured June 1st, 1873.