Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/146

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Black Jim replied by saying, "It is you eh? You follow me. What have I clone to you that you won't let me be? You want to get me and turn me over to the enemy and let them hang or shoot me, eh. You want to make more money by selling me to the enemy, eh. Meaning you will never take me alive. I will die before I'll surrender to one of my own kind."

Scarface said: "Jim, don't talk about dying. Maybe you will, for I am not alone, I have plenty of help near at hand."

The Doctor said not a word. He was standing like one in a dream.

"Black Jim," said Charley, "you lie in everything. You are alone, you know it. Your life is in our hands. We kill you today."

Scarface took his hat off just as Jim raised his gun. Five carbines flashed in the sun, every one pointed right at Black Jim's breast. Black Jim lowered his trusty gun, saying, "You have got me, I quit. Charley, you are a devil."

Charley said: "Both of you hand me your guns and revolvers."

They both did it smiling. The carbines was still pointed at the two braves. Finally Charley said, "Well, soldier boys, I guess he no shoot now. You take down your guns now."

The soldiers stepped forward all laughing and shook hands with the two prisoners. Four of the men went and got the horses. When they got around they all started down the mountain towards the soldiers' camp with their prisoners in the lead.

General Jeff C. Davis was very glad when they arrived with the two prisoners. That evening the Modoc prisoners had a good, square meal for the first time since the peace commissioners were murdered.