Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/141

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Captain Anderson said : "All right, boys, go. We shall stay right here until we hear from some of you."

The three scouts mounted their horses and headed them for the top of Sheep Mountain, about one mile and a half distant. Just before the scouts disappeared in the Juniper timbers they waved their hats to the boys in blue. The boys had tied their horses to some scrubby Juniper trees. They were sitting around telling yarns, etc. It was getting pretty well along in the afternoon. One Irish boy in blue said: "I say Cap., it would be a devil of a joke if Scarf ace Charley, Bogus Dollar or Charley and Crooked or Mean Hooker Jim would get Black Jim and his men and come up behind us and open up on us. I say, wouldn't that be royal, begorra! Say, boys, I do not kno\v how you feel towards these red heathens, but for my part I wouldn't trust any of them as far as a blind man can see, the divil the bit I would, even if he had glass eyes."

About an hour before sunset two of the scouts came back, Bogus Charley and Hooker Jim, Scarface Charley was not with them. Anderson said : "Hello, boys, where is Scar- face?" Bogus Charley said: "He is with the Modocs over the mountain. He sent us back to tell you men to go back to camp. Black Jim would not listen to reason at all, so I guess we just as well go back. Scarface said for me to tell you by the time we get around tomorrow, he would have all of them ready to come in with us. He will stay with them tonight." So they all mounted and headed for the camp, splitting the air with love songs. The three scouts joined in singing war songs in their own language.

General Jeff C. Davis received the company and scouts and congratulated them upon their safe return. After Lieut. Anderson explained everything to General Davis he was well pleased with Scarface Charley's plan. When the soldiers were all asleep but the guards at Fairchild's Ranch, the In- dians at Black Jim's camp less than six miles away, was heap- ing dry Juniper logs on the fire, Black Jim being the leader of this band, was tongue lashing Scarface Charley. He even threatened to kill Charley. He said to Charley: "You black