Page:The Indian History of the Modoc War.djvu/122

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Ross little expected on that morning when he was stepping from rock to rock, strong and well, joshing with his com- rades, that the following night he would be crawling over some of the same ground, trying to reach the point he had left that morning, as I said, strong and well. Now both of his legs are broken, both of his wrists also broken, shot through the intestines, and with some other wounds on different part?

Joe Sidwaller, Warm Spring Joe; a Warm Spring U. S. Indian Scout, bringing in the wounded after an engagement during the Modoc War. Photo by Muybridge, 1873.

of his body. This brave man crawled on his knees and elbows all night, falling first one way and then another. His courage never failed him. Just at daylight he reached the men on picket duty. They saw him and challenged him. He did not answer them. The boys on picket says, "Indian! See! he is crawling on us; let's shoot him"; so they opened on the man.