Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/256

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lived through the ordeal returned to their homes to find them in ruins. Desolation had spread its black wings over our beloved South. The blue uniform of the Yankee soldier was to be seen everywhere. Yet, at the sight of all this ruin and desolation, the men who followed Lee did not falter. They went to work to rebuild, upon the ruins of the old, new homes. They soon convinced the world that they were as good builders as they were fighters. The same old courage, obedience, and fortitude that made them the ideal soldiers of the world came to their aid. From the wreck and the ruin of war was built the Southland of today; and built upon the only capital the Confederate soldier had after the war was done—his honor and courage. Indeed was our land the land described by the poet priest of the South in his beautiful poem:

Yes, give me the land that the battle's red blast
Has flashed to the future the fame of the past.