Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/224

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is Hilton Head, S. C, 3d Division. Hoping this may reach you safe and find you in good health, I remain Yours very respectfully, George M. Crasson, Prisoner of War.

This was one of the letters that came to Fort Pulaski from Hilton Head after part of our number had been sent to that place.

The incidents of the Fort Pulaski prison are extensively recorded in print; none have been forgotten. One thing that often impressed me was the heroic conduct of our men under the ordeal. Before taps, every night, some of our comrades would get together in one of the case- mates of the prison and sing the old fa- miliar songs of the South, seeming for the time to forget the pains of retaliation and their hunger. Some day I hope some of the noble six hundred will group to- gether the incidents as they come to them, and put them in shape for preservation —

the amusing with the pathetic, for they