Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/142

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guard and officer being on duty at the camp, will be allowed to communicate with the prisoners without written permission from these, or superior headquarters. The sentries will always have their guns loaded and capped. If more than ten prisoners are seen together except at meal time they will be fired upon by the sentinels. If there is any disturbance whatever in the camp or any attempt made by the prisoners to escape, the camp will be opened upon with grape and canister musketry, and the Requa batteries. If a prisoner is sick he may purchase such luxuries as the surgeon in charge may direct. The prisoners will be allowed to purchase only the following named articles: Writing materials, pipes, tobacco, and necessary clothing. Everything bought by or sent them will be inspected by the provost-marshal. The prisoners will be allowed to write letters once each week, not more than half sheet of paper to each letter. The letters will be open and pass through the hands of the provost-marshal before being mailed. No candles or lights of any kind will be allowed. The hours for meals will be as follows: Breakfast, 7 o'clock a. m.; dinner, 12 m.; supper, 5 o'clock p. m. The prisoners will be served under the direction of the provost-marshal.