Page:The House of the Lord.djvu/325

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Plate 34.—The Memorial Window

In a small apartment adjoining the Council Room of the First Presidency and the Twelve, there is the large memorial window pictured herewith. The Temple is shown as it stands with the inscription "Holiness to the Lord," appearing as in the clouds above the great building. On the left-hand panel, beneath the bordered escutcheon, we read:

Corner stone laid April 6, 1853, by
President Brigham Young,
Assisted by his Counsellors,
Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards.

And on the right-hand panel, similarly place, is the inscription:

Dedicated April 6, 1893, by
President Wilford Woodruff,
Assisted by his Counsellors,
George Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith.

See pages 136, 137, and 196.